Welcome to Royall's Library
Marianne Gaskins, Librarian (
Jordan Oswalt, Library Assistant (
Teachers please use this link for library material requests. (Login required)
Meet the Librarian
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AR Information
Accelerated Reader Information
Royall uses AR in the classroom to encourage a love of reading. Royall Elementary is an AR Honor Roll school.
AR - Renaissance Place - Use the AR Renaissance Place link to access the test taking site while at school.
AR - Home Connect - Use the Home Connect link to view books that have been read, average comprehension, and percent towards goal. Parents can also use this link with their child's AR login information to set up email notification of tests taken.
AR - Bookfinder - Use the AR Bookfinder link to look up quiz numbers, reading levels, and point values of books.
Renaissance Royals (Educators only) - Use this link to login to the Renaissance Royals learning community.
AR Reading Levels - The Reading Level file shows the color dots that coordinate with various reading levels.
Reference Links
You are about to leave the school website. We are not responsible for content beyond this page. We try to monitor the sites listed, but the internet changes daily. If you find a site that no longer works or is inappropriate, please contact .
BookFlix is a website that pairs fiction books and nonfiction books on a variety of topics including animals, people, community, and celebrations. Please contact the librarian for the login information for home use.
ClassLinks - Student Login
Students can use their district username and password to access quick links to frequently used programs such as Lexia, AR, and DreamBox.
DISCUS is a research website available to all South Carolina residents. Many of the websites available through DISCUS require a login. Please contact the librarian for login information.
DK Find Out!
DK Find Out is a research website for students. Searches by topic and keyword are available. It includes videos, quizzes, and fun facts.
Fact Monster
Fact Monster is a website that has information on a variety of topics that can help with research and homework. Fun facts about what happened on certain days or years in history can be looked up also.
Study SC
Study SC is a website on all things South Carolina. It includes biographies, history, and state symbols.